“Come out here Lauren, I have a surprise for you”, my step-dad yelled from the garage. I got up and ran out right away and stopped in awe. I didn’t know what to think. “Is this for me?” I asked. With a quick reply my step-dad answered, “Yes it is for you and your siblings to share.” In front of was a 50cc brand new KTM dirtbike.
Duane, my step-dad, brought into the back yard and kick started it. At first, I was so afraid to get on because it was incredibly loud but then after a little convincing I got on pulled the throttle and off I went. Now remembering that this was my first time on a dirtbike, I made the mistake of pulling the throttle too hard too fast and popped a wheelie ran into a tree, bounced off of that and hit my fence where I eventually fell off. I was in shock meanwhile Duane was on the ground laughing. But eventually I got back on and he started tacking me to different tracks around Ontario for me and my brother to try because Robin was too afraid.
As time went on, I eventually out grew a little 50cc and got a 65sx then I out grew that and now am on an 85sx which am having a blast on. I race almost every weekend in the summer and spring when I don’t have hockey and it has become a family sport. My step-dad has 2 bikes, a 250sx and a 450sx, My mom has a 110 trail bike, my sister has the same bike, Nathan has a little 50 and then I have an 85sx. As a family we travel in the summer to go see the pro’s race like Chad Reed and James Stewart in places like Michigan, Pennsylvania and in Ontario.
I love the rush of going of jumps and going as fast as your bike will let you. Sometimes people ask if I get scared because dirtbike is a bit dangerous and my answer to that is, no because when you’re riding you have nothing on your mind besides wanting to pass the person in front of you and even when you do fall, you have so much adrenaline you don’t feel anything.
“A motocross race isn’t just a race; it’s a life style event.”
I commented on Alex G's blog.