Thursday, February 11, 2010

40 million dollar lottery winner-lauren

If I won the lottery I would be the happiest girl in the entire world! I would be so happy I probably wouldn't know what to do with myself. The only thing I would be to ecstatic about is having to pay the taxes on the 40 million dollars. Here are the just a few of the things I would do...

1. Pay of a little of my families debt and help my family out in any financial ways as possible
2. SHOPPING SPREE. But not a big one because I want to save some for...
3.Putting in the bank, and buying things to invest in for later in life so my money would last.
4. I would donate some of my winnings to charities that are important to me.
5. I love to travel so I would go all over the world building schools and exploring.

Those are the top 5 things I would do and I would do them because those are the things I love to do and the things I feel are important to do if you are able. I would probably save whatever s left so my money would last for my whole life and not just for a few days. Too bad I can't play the lottery until I'm older.


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