Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Bucket List

My Bucket List

1. Graduate From University

2. Get married and having with a successful career

3. Travel the World and do volunteer work over seas

4. Meet someone who is famous and have lunch

5. Learn the Thriller Dance

1. I think that it’s important to Graduate because if I don’t then it’s very unlikely for me to finish my other things bucket list if I don’t graduate. ( having a successful career)

2. Getting married is just something I would like to accomplish because I think it is just an important thing in life to do. The other part of that to have as successful career and I would have to complete my first goal to do finish my second goal.

3. Traveling the world would be an excellent experience and it would be really neat to learn the different cultures. Plus, traveling is something that I really enjoy.

4. Meeting someone famous and having lunch would just be amazing because I would get to have a conversation with someone and get to know them personally and not based on the tabloids. This would also be like my 15 minutes of fame.

5. I have always wanted learn the thriller dance because it look amazing when people dance to it and I would do it to see just how hard it actually is.

Those are just a few things that I would like to accomplish before I kick the bucket.

Monday, February 15, 2010


Fresh warm air, long fun days, no homework or school to worry about. Summer has to be the best season. Who wouldn’t like to be on the beach nothing to worry about except what bathing suit you’re going to wear tomorrow?

I know I have had many great times during the summer with friends and family. For example my friends and I always go to a camp called Silver Lake and then go to my cottage in Grand Bend which is always a highlight of the summer. My cottage is always fun being on the hot beach with the waves crashing down so you can skim board. But another part that I really enjoy is getting to see my dad more. Since he lives in Montreal I get to go there for a few weeks to hang around and site-see.

The warm weather, care-free days, seeing my friends and family and getting to sleep in are what makes my summer the best in every way.

In summer, the song sings itself. ~William Carlos Williams


Thursday, February 11, 2010

40 million dollar lottery winner-lauren

If I won the lottery I would be the happiest girl in the entire world! I would be so happy I probably wouldn't know what to do with myself. The only thing I would be to ecstatic about is having to pay the taxes on the 40 million dollars. Here are the just a few of the things I would do...

1. Pay of a little of my families debt and help my family out in any financial ways as possible
2. SHOPPING SPREE. But not a big one because I want to save some for...
3.Putting in the bank, and buying things to invest in for later in life so my money would last.
4. I would donate some of my winnings to charities that are important to me.
5. I love to travel so I would go all over the world building schools and exploring.

Those are the top 5 things I would do and I would do them because those are the things I love to do and the things I feel are important to do if you are able. I would probably save whatever s left so my money would last for my whole life and not just for a few days. Too bad I can't play the lottery until I'm older.
